08-05-2018 - 08-05-2018

8th May has been declared as the World Thalassaemia Day and on the 7th of May, SOFOSH arranged a small function at Sasoon Hospital to mark the day and 70 Thalassaemic children, ages between 27 and 2 years were present. The function was presided over by Dr. Arti Kinikar, a renowned clinical haematologist and who is in charge of the Thalassaemia day care unit at the Sasoon children hospital. Dignitaries present were representatives from the SOFOSH NGO, The Dean of Sasoon Hospital, representatives of Poona Women Council, and RCPD also participated in a small way with a donation of Rs 10,000 and was attended by PP Yezdi Batliwala, and R’anns Poroochi and Shikha. Thalassaemia , a serious genetic blood disorder is a lesser known evil and there is no curative treatment for Thalassaemia major. The only supportive treatment is to provide regular blood transfusions to keep the Haemoglobin as normal as possible and at the same time to use a iron cheating drug . The life expectancy of untreated children was less than five years - the usual causes of death being anaemia, hepatitis insufficiency, septicaemia or heart failure. Blood transfusions to maintain haemoglobin levels may average every 2-4 weeks, depending upon individual requirements There is a need to urgently make genetic counselling available with Physicians, particularly paediatricians and obstetricians, family planning associations. Information leaflets on where and how to get examined should be made available to prospective couples at Marriage Registry offices. Formation of Parents Association and other voluntary organizations are to be encouraged, which are extremely useful in community education and informal genetic counselling. What Society can do for Thalassaemics? The 8th of May has been declared as the World Thalassaemia day. And every Thalassaemia association should find a unique way to mark this important day, by making its voice heard and by raising awareness of our Governments and communities about Thalassaemia and regularly donate blood for these children. We must emphasize that fact the proper treatment not only ensures the survival of Thalassaemics, but also can offer them full and normal lives in every aspect

Project Details

Start Date 08-05-2018
End Date 08-05-2018
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 6
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment