08-07-2023 - 09-07-2023

The young, enthusiastic and resourceful members of Mahavir International along with active contribution by 7 nursing staff of Rajasthan Hospital ensured that both days of the camp went off smoothly starting with a Power Point Orientation address by our disciplinarian leader, Rtn Pradeep Munot. The camp started ahead of schedule when on 7th evening itself, in the rainy 'dry' Ahmedabad, custom extenders were fabricated and provided to 2 beneficiaries due to advance

Project Details

Start Date 08-07-2023
End Date 09-07-2023
Project Cost 2575000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 93
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners -Ellen Meadows Prosthetic hands = Rs 23,25,000 for 93 hands - NGO Mahavir International Marudhar, Ahmedabad, 250,000 towards organizing the camp -Sane Guruji Hospital
Project Category Special Projects