08-01-2016 - 08-01-2016

This camp was a follow up camp of the 29 Nov camp. 10 persons having less than 4" residual limb were identified. Their measurements were taken on 29 November. The extension casts were prepared Mr Satyanarayan of Singar Rehab. Those persons were called in this camp, as also those who contacted after 29 Nov, were also called in this camp. Out of 10, 7 came, 3 didn't turn up. The casts were made of lightweight synthetic material. They were fitted by a harness around neck. A nylon disc with threading at the centre to match the LN-4, was fitted at one end, and LN-4 hand was threaded in those threads. Advantages : Both hands seemed almost equal in length. Beneficiaries having shorter limb were benefitted. Shortcomings : Those having too short limb, could not fully bend arm. The harness seemed cumbersome and un-necessary. Observation : The vendor failed to give accuracy required in each individual case. The casts were prepared as per individual measurements. Money spent on them had gone waste for those who didn't bother to come. Recommendation : A new vendor is identified, whose workmanship seems to be better. The cost per cast with fittings is estimated to be Rs 3000/- each. Money should be taken from those desirous to try this.

Project Details

Start Date 08-01-2016
End Date 08-01-2016
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs RC Sarasbaug
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -